Orange County NAPNAP Chapter
Stay Connected

Spring Update from Judi Leonard

Posted almost 4 years ago

Happy Spring NAPNAP Orange County!
Things are looking up: more vaccines available, over 1 million in our county have been vaccinated, schools and public places are opening back up and the surge (at this point) is declining.  We are getting closer to an end.
Hoping you, your families and workplaces remain safe.  To those of you helping on the front lines and volunteering to vaccinate, THANK YOU!
Here are a few updates and announcements that may be of interest to you.
1.  The NAPNAP Annual Business Meeting took place virtually 3/16/21.  Despite the last minute cancellation of the Long Beach Conference 3/2020 due to COVID and the financial consequences, NAPNAP was able to "pivot" and offer alternative learning opportunities and create alternative income sources to help mitigate our losses.  We can be assured that our leadership is strong and we are in good hands thanks to the dedicated NP volunteer leaders and staff at the National Office.
Here are some interesting tidbits I learned from the meeting:
     a.  The Journal Of Pediatric Health Care will have a new look for its 35th anniversary.  There will also be an upcoming special edition dedicated to planetary/global health.  Articles submitted to the journal are often sent out to other health care publications and make their way into circles outside of NAPNAP.
     b. The NAPNAP Foundation is offering a virtual Trivia Night for $20 to those registered for the NAPNAP conference on 3/24.  If you're interested in registering, please contact
Also on 3/24, the Foundation SILENT AUCTION will take place.  Anyone can participate by downloading the Handbill app to your mobile device.  Our chapter has donated a handbag and wallet combo.  There are MANY fun and useful items being offered.  Please see the following link for more information:  Silent Auction - NAPNAP Foundation
     c.  Partners for Vulnerable Youth will be expanding its scope by working with not only Human Trafficking Victims but also Youth At Risk For Suicide, and Foster Care Youth.
     d.  Please remember to cast your vote for National Elections by 3/31.  We have an excellent slate of candidates.
     e.  2000 participants virtually attended the 2020 National Conference.  This year's conference next week offers up to 95 credits.  Watch announcements for a Fall conference being offered October 2-4, 2021.
     f.  A member survey is coming, please participate.
     g.  NAPNAP conference registration closes 3/22/21.  NAPNAP National Conference on Pediatric Health Care
     h.  NAPNAP turns 50 in 2023.  Get ready to PARTY!
2. If you are not able to participate in the National Conference, please consider participating in the California Chapters of NAPNAP Spring Virtual Conference offering 11 hours of continuing education.  Registration is now open with the event starting April 1 and going through June 30 so you can learn at your own pace.  Here is the link to register: California NAPNAP Chapters Spring 2021 Virtual Conference | The Orange County NAPNAP Chapter | ENP Network
The conference committee is going to host a FREE student/new grad networking night May 6, 6-7:30pm.  If you are involved in NP (any type of NP) education, please let Judi Leonard know.  She can ensure that an invitation is extended to your students.  (Her email is:
3.  Due to a variety of learning opportunities at this time, we will not be offering an April meeting.  Please watch for announcements for May.
4.  Our Board has voted to provide several local charities with donations from our recent conference income.  Please watch for a survey from Linda Scott-Katz and place your vote even if you have already voted.
Again, thank you for your support of NAPNAP, both nationally and locally.  Together we are stronger.  
My sincere gratitude to the dedicated Board working behind the scenes:
Natalie Adame, President-Elect
Melanie Balestra, Legislative Chair
Sara Mehrmand, Social Media Chair
Melody Mitchel, Treasurer
Anneke Sager, Continuing Education Chair
Linda Scott-Katz, Membership & Communications Chair
Cathy Smith, Secretary
I would love to add your name to that list.  We welcome involvement, fresh ideas and enthusiasm.  We will need a president-elect for the Fall.  Mentoring is offered.  The opportunity to give back is rewarding and will enrich your professional experience.  Please consider and reach out.
Wishing you all continued good health and professional growth in the coming season.
Judi Leonard
Orange County Chapter President of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
"Experts in Pediatrics and Advocates for Children"