Winter Holiday 2020 Greetings from Judi Leonard
Posted about 4 years ago
Holiday Greetings Orange County Chapter of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners!
We are closing the book on 2020 at last. I wish to take this moment to thank you all for your dedication in caring for children and families during this challenging year. I hope you and your families have remained safe and I look forward to the time we can all be together again. Until that time, here are some important announcements which I hope you will find helpful.
1. Please mark your calendars for a fun night. Join fellow OC NAPNAP members for Trivia Night on Wednesday, January 13, 7-8pm via Zoom. Think of 3-5 trivia questions and submit them when you RSVP to Linda Scott-Katz. You will play along at home and prizes will be awarded including Spring Virtual Conference Registration, gift cards and books. Upon registration, you will be given a gift card to obtain a beverage of your choice to enjoy during our event. We hope you can join us for some light hearted fun and games. No continuing education but hopefully plenty of laughs.
2. Orange County Chapter will join the other California Chapters for a Spring Virtual Conference due to positive feedback from our Fall Virtual Conference. If you would like to speak, suggest a speaker or a topic, please reach out to either Judi Leonard ( or Anneke Sager ( Our fall conference was attended by 122 participants and we raised over $1000 for local charities. We hope you will continue to learn with us this spring.
3. Speaking of charities, our chapter has decided to increase the designated donation from the Fall Conference by doubling and rounding up. We will be donating $300 to Human Options and $600 to CASA.
4. Our chapter has a strong financial position and during these challenging times, the Board has agreed to make five $1000 donations to local non-profits. We need your help! Please provide us with suggestions for local non-profits that serve youth and families which you would like to see considered. Please contact any Board member if you have any questions or desire more information.
5. The National Conference will be offered both virtually and in person March 9-14, 2021 in Orlando, Florida. Our chapter will again participate in the silent auction to benefit NAPNAP Foundation. Watch for announcements to register for the conference and to participate in the auction.
6. COVID: because no newsletter in 2020 is complete without it. Vaccines are here! I was fortunate to receive my 1st dose and only had a mildly sore arm on day 2. I know this year will be filled with questions and concerns about the vaccine, safety and more. Sign up for V-Safe when you obtain yours for continued vaccine monitoring and side effect reporting. I am attaching a link to a video that explains mRNA vaccines which may be helpful to you and the families you serve.
My sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for your contributions to health care in the Year of the Nurse. We remain one of the most trusted professions and this year more than ever, have risen to the challenges faced in providing care and being experts in pediatrics and advocates for children.
May your holidays be blessed with good health, happiness and gratitude. Best wishes for a happier 2021.
Judi Leonard
President, Orange County Chapter of NAPNAP