Orange County NAPNAP Chapter
Stay Connected

Update from Judi Leonard, President OC-NAPNAP

Posted about 4 years ago by Linda Scott-Katz

Sadly, our National Conference which was to take place next week in Long Beach has been canceled due to COVID19 concern. Such a disappointment.

Watch email for details about an AB890 virtual conference call update that will likely take place Thursday, March 26 during the time our reception was scheduled.  Details to be announced.

More importantly, we are facing a new and challenging epidemic the likes of which we nor the families we care for have ever seen.  
Whether you are on the front lines, quarantined at home, caring for loved ones, working remotely I wish you all well.

Living in the digital age has advantages that include the most up to date information online through WHO, CDC and Orange County Health Care Agency.  In addition to the usual epidemiology, testing and care guidelines, another resource that we or our families may need is mental health services related to this emergency.  You can refer to, 1(855) OC_LINKS or for noncrisis mental support.

Additionally, if you have some free time, please see below for voting for National Office.

Dear Fellow NAPNAP Member:

It’s time for you to vote for your next national leaders. This year, we are electing the important roles of the president-elect, treasurer, three members-at-large and a Nominations Committee member. These leaders will guide NAPNAP as we work to achieve the goals laid out in our new 2020 – 2023 Strategic Plan. The election period is just three weeks long – the deadline is March 27. Vote early, so you don’t miss your chance to shape your organization’s future!

Visit to meet the 2020 slate of candidates for national office and learn about their experience and visions for NAPNAP.

Follow these easy steps to cast your vote:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your NAPNAP username and password.
  3. Click on the Vote Now button, which will appear next to the My Account button in the upper right corner of your screen, and follow the online voting instructions.
  4. Once you verify your selection and cast your vote, your vote will be final, and you will not be able to make any changes.
  5. You will see an on-screen confirmation that your vote has been accepted.

If you have challenges logging in to the NAPNAP website, please email or call (877) 662-7627.

If you have difficulty with the voting site, please contact Election-America at 1-866-514-2995 or

Voting takes only a few minutes and every vote counts, so vote today! On behalf of NAPNAP, thank you for helping to shape our future.

If you have not already signed up, please RSVP for our May 13 Fracture care/Splinting workshop. I am hopeful we will be able to proceed with this.   

Stay well, wash hands often, stay home if sick and continue to be the great voices, caregivers  and advocates for children and family that you all are.


Judi Leonard

OC NAPNAP President